

output {
    email {
        to => ","
        cc => ""
        via => "smtp"
        subject => "Warning: %{title}"
        options => {
            smtpIporHost       => "localhost",
            port               => 25,
            domain             => 'localhost.localdomain',
            userName           => nil,
            password           => nil,
            authenticationType => nil, # (plain, login and cram_md5)
            starttls           => true
        htmlbody => ""
        body => ""
        attachments => ["/path/to/filename"]

注意:以上示例适用于 Logstash 1.5options => 的参数配置在 Logstash 2.0 之后的版本已被移除,(126 邮箱发送到 qq 邮箱)示例如下:

output {
    email {
        port           =>    "25"
        address        =>    ""
        username       =>    ""
        password       =>    ""
        authentication =>    "plain"
        use_tls        =>    true
        from           =>    ""
        subject        =>    "Warning: %{title}"
        to             =>    ""
        via            =>    "smtp"
        body           =>    "%{message}"


outputs/email 插件支持 SMTP 协议和 sendmail 两种方式,通过 via 参数设置。SMTP 方式有较多的 options 参数可配置。sendmail 只能利用本机上的 sendmail 服务来完成 —— 文档上描述了 Mail 库支持的 sendmail 配置参数,但实际代码中没有相关处理,不要被迷惑了。。。

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